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Woolerina Long Sleeve Turtle Neck - Navy
This classic womens Merino wool turtleneck top is made in Woolerina light weight Merino features an extended neck which looks great either "scrunched" up under the chin, or folded over for a more classic look. The neckline sits comfortably around the collar bones.
This top is a slim fitting garment which can be worn on its own, but is ideal worn next to the skin as a base layer.
This garment comes packaged in a calico storage bag and has been designed to promote the longevity of your Woolerina garment. Calico was selected as it is a non-protein based fibre, meaning that moths and other nasty critters are not attracted to it as a food source and therefore are not attracted to the woollens wrapped inside!

Nancybird Quinn Anorak - Garden
Nancybird Elara Dress - Mulberry