259 High St Northcote VIC 3070
Mon 10am - 5pm
Tues 10am - 5pm
Wed 10am - 6pm
Thurs 10am - 6pm
Fri 10am - 6pm
Sat 10am - 5pm
Sun 10am - 5pm
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Adele Macer Ceramics
Adele Macer is a self taught, Melbourne ceramicist making functional tableware, pots, vases and planters for everyday use. She has completed a Masters of Visual Art at Victorian College of the Arts in 2010, taught art and design in various high schools and am currently teaching pottery in Melbourne. Her handmade, stoneware ceramics employ various methods of production and process, specialising in wheel throwing, slip casting and hand building (and sometimes use all three in the one piece). Adele's interest in materials and processes keeps her learning new techniques all of the time and one of her favourite things to do is share what she learns.

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